About Us

Illawarra Business Directory is an online directory helping people find businesses and community organisations located in the greater Illawarra region.

Our purpose is “to be a valuable online resource with information about the Illawarra promoting what the Illawarra has to offer in terms of businesses, community organisations and facilities and connecting people to this information.”

We want to attract people to the area and help people from the area to find businesses and community organisations easily. We want to promote the real estate, jobs, entertainment and all businesses in the Illawarra.

We also employ a review and rating system for every listing, so we encourage users to review and rate business and organisations which lets users learn and share their thoughts. This lets businesses and organisations keep up to date with what people are saying about their business and get referrals.

We have made the directory FREE to all businesses and organisations located within the Illawarra region. To update your own listing, please subscribe and take ownership of your listing. This allows you to update all the details, description and also upload company logo images for better promotion.